Vidéos sur la présence d’Hemimysis anomala en Alsace

Distribution, ecology and impact of a small invasive shellfish, Hemimysis anomala in Alsatian water. Dumont Serge, Muller Christian. Biological Invasions , Volume 12 (3) – Mar 3, 2009

Predation of H. anomala by bullheads (Cottus gobbio), larvae of dragonflies (Calopteryx virgo) and perch (Perca fluviatilis) could be observed during night dives

We observed dense swarm at different depths in winter 2005/2006.

In April, when the temperature reaches 8–10°C, the swarms disperse to form small scattered colonies, hiding during the day in various cavities, e.g. in the interstices of trees roots, under stones or pieces of bark fallen in water

Cohabitation of Hemimysis anomala with an American crayfish.

We observed females carrying eggs in March/April and September October, but also in June/July.

Hemimysis anomala eating a dead carp.

We also observed cannibalism in some cases.